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Reels & Weaves Workshop + Either Way

unlock weaves reels
Helloooo reader!

Reminder that the Unlocking Reels & Weaves workshop is happening in just over 24 hours!! Let's get nerdy with detailed breakdowns and start to unlock these skills... We'll be breaking down the basics for our Behind The Back Weave, and heaps of other cool patterns. ALL OF THE TECH. Yay!

It's not too late to sign up, join live OR via recording (time travel style in 2021 hehe).
10:30am 6th February AEDT UTC+11, click below for more details!
If you've already signed up and are joining live, you should have an email with the Zoom link (check your spam). You can also find the link in the Workshop Course Content! Feel free to check our FAQs for more details on how to find the link or access the recording.
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Also, just in case you haven't seen it yet - check out my latest fire dance video Either Way. You can even spy some tech that we will be working on in our upcoming workshop ;) Filmed by Psymon Photography, and editing done by me!

Before saying bye, I want to remind everyone the power of time, practice and patience.

You can see a huge difference between Either Way and my early fire dance videos. And in between I've spent maaany hours dropping my fans, hitting myself in the face, and just being super confused lol. We are all on our own path, and it's so important to be patient and understanding of ourselves. Practice makes progress! Enjoy the journey.
Hope you enjoy, and looking forward to catching some of you in this weekend's workshop! YAY!

All my love, Jessy xxx

BIG LOVE to our entire FireLily Family


You can find FireLily Dance family by using #firelilyfamily or tag us @firelilydance
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